

()1.M:Would you like me to open the window?


A.It doesn't matter?

B.I don't know?

C Never mind?


()2.M:? ?

W:Id like to have a cup of coffee.

A.What do you mean?

B.How are you?

C.May I help you?

D.Are you with me

()3.W:Thank you very much for coming to meet me,Mr.Smith.


A.I hope so?

B.Have a nice day?

C.I see?

D.My pleasure

(? )4. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Garden Hotel?

W: Garden Hotel?? ? ? ?.I really don't know

A. Forget it?

B.I'm sorry?

C. Go ahead?

D. All right

(? )5.M: Hello! This is Tom speaking. May I speak to Jane, please?


A Hold on, please?

B. You' re welcome?

C. Nice to meet you?

D. She's my sister

II.詞匯(10 小題,共 20 分)。


()6.Please remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.





()7.There are many poisonous snakes in the area.

A 可怕的

B 有毒的

C 兇猛的

D 稀有的

()8.The song was specially written for her birthday.





()9.They have been out of work for years since their factory was closed down?




D 求職

()10.This business plan looks very professional?

A 專業(yè)的

B 著名的



()11.He applied to work in another school?

A 渴望



D 申請

(? )12.The rubbish must be removed to keep the classroom tidy





(? )13.They had an accident on the road and didn't check in at their hotel until midnight.





(? )14.Truth is what we have been seeking all our life.

A 追求


C 檢驗


(? )15.The failure was an unexpected blow to him.

A 機會






When Mouse was out gathering food for the winter,Buffalo(野牛)came down to eat the grass.The little mouse did not_16_this,for he knew that Buffalo would eat all the long_17,and there would be no place for him to18He made up his mind to 19_Buffalo."Hi,Buffalo,I challenge you to a fight!"he cried in an angry_20

Buffalo looked at him and replied,"You'd better21,little one,or I shall step on you and there will be nothing left!"

But Mouse_22repeated the challenge.

Buffalo rushed toward Mouse and stepped on him_23Then he looked down. To his

24, he could not find Mouse anywhere. Just then he felt a pain inside his right 25He shook his head as hard as he could, and ran here and there wildly. But the 26went deeper and deeper until at last he fell to the ground and lay27Mouse came out of his ear, and stood proudly upon his body."Eho !"he shouted loudly, "I have_28the greatest animal of all !

In another part of the grassland, the hungry Red Fox _29the shout. He ran as fast as he could in the direction of the shout. Soon he came upon the huge body of Buffalo with the little mouse still _30

upon it. Fox jumped upon Mouse, who gave one last cry and disappeared.

(? )16.A. see B. understand C. keepD. like

(? )17.A. roots B. leaves C. grasses D. branches

(? )18.A. Hide B grow C. controlD. recover

(? )19. A. Touch B. help C. fightD. push

(? )20. A. reply B. voice C. songD. move

(? )21.A. shut up B. get upC. sit up D. come up

(? )22. A. sadly B. passively C. honestlyD. angrily

(? )23. A. quietly B. heavily C. beautifully D. patiently

(? ) 24. A. Joy B. regret C. surprise D. satisfaction

(? )25.A. eye B. ear C. hand D. leg

(? )26.A. Fear B. worry C. curiosity D. pain

IV 閱讀(15 小題,共45分)。



A One day,Topher White went to a protected area for wildlife in Indonesia.He and his friends were walking through the rainforest when they came across a man cutting down a huge tree.This kind of illegal(非法的)activity is a big problem in rainforest around the world.It causes climate change and destroys the natural living environments of animals and plants.White reported this to forest guards,but the tree cutter had run away from the scene already when the guard arrived.This experience made him worried.

White,a trained engineer,thought technology could be part of the solution in the fight against illegal tree cutting"the rainforest is a noisy place,but it's also a noisy thing to cut a tree down,"

he later told a newspaper reporter.It struck me that there had to be a way to hear this.

Over the next few months,White created a piece of warning equipment called

"Guardian". Fixed on treetops, Guardians can pick up the sound of a cutting machine from as far astwo-thirds of a mile away. When a Guardian catches a sound of cutting trees, it sends an alarm to fores guards, indicating where the sound is coming from. The guards then set off to stop the illegal activity. "If you respond in time, there's a chance that you can stop much of the tree cutting.d White said. White set the first Guardians in a wildlife protection area in Indonesia. They worked well. After that, he started a non-profit group called Rainforest. Connection to set Guardians all over the world.

(? )31. According to Paragraph 1, illegal cutting of forest trees leads to

A. the disappearance of rainfalls?

B. the increase of forest guards?

C. the decrease of human activities

D. the destruction of animal homes

(? )32. White got the idea of creating Guardians from

A. the noise of tree cutting?

B. the news about tree cutting?

C. the complaints from forest guards?

D. the encouragement from his friends

(? )33. Guardians can help forest guards to?

A. alarm tree cutters?

B. scare off wild animals?

C. catch tree cutters in time?

D. protect exploring tourists

(? )34. What can be inferred about Guardians?

A. They can locate the tree cutting site.

B. They help White make much money.

C. They produce noise to stop tree cutting?

D. They drive away wildlife from treetops.

(? )35. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To describe a forest guard's job.

B. To share an adventure in the rainforest?

C. To explain the importance of forest protection?

D. To introduce an invention for forest protection


It was a warm fall day as I pulled open my front door, hurrying to pick up someone from somewhere, which is my daily existence as a mother of four kids. As I rushed toward my car, there was a car parked in front of my house and a woman was pulling a book from my Littled Free Library ,a sort of public bookcase in my front yard.

Not wanting to scare her off, I didn't move. She looked up and spotted me. "I just love your library, "she said. It's like a stranger telling you how lovely your kid is. A big smile spread across my face."Take as many as you want, "I replied.

I' ve always loved to read. When I was a little girl, my parents wrote to all my favorite writers to tell them what a fan I was-and they sent back thank-you cards and signed books. I' ve been a member of a book club for at least 14 years, and heavy boxes of books have followed me on every move. This library was a special gift for me. Last February, my family members"surprised me

"with a Little Free Library for my birthday. It is actually a book sharing shelf, where visitors can take a book and don't have to return it or leave anything in exchange.

The library, standing between my mailbox and my neighbor's, officially opened on April 26,

2021. On that day a lot of my neighbors came, excited and supportive. Encouraged by this, wanted it to attract more attention. I took pictures of the library, posted them online, and mentioned it to everyone I came across, basically hoping for more and more visitors to come and have fun in reading.

(? )36. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.A woman stole a book.

B.A woman was driving away.

C. The author was a busy mother.

D. The author worked in a library.

( )37. What does the underlined word "spotted"in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Noticed

B. Met?

C. Joined?

D. Recognized.

(? )38. Whenever the author moves, she will surely?

A. write to her family?

B. join the local book club?

C. take her books with her?

D. send cards to new neighbors

(? )39. What do we know about the bookcase?

A. It was a present to the author.

B. It was made by the author herself.

C. It was a surprise from a book club.

D. It was bought from a famous writer.

(? )40. The author ran the library to?

A. sell old books?

B. make new friends?

C. share reading pleasure?

D. earn respect from neighbors.

C Nowadays, there are still thousands of cowboys in the American West. People may think cowboys in the modern age are completely different from what they used to be._41.

Although cowboys often travel on four wheels now, they still have to be expert horsemen.

They ride horses very regularly. Cowboys work on farms to look after farm cattle. The farm cattle are often free to move over large areas. In many parts of those areas, there are steep hills, rivers and streams, forests and rocks._42The only ways to travel the long distance in such areas are on horseback, or on foot; and you can't chase cattle on foot!

43They have lots of jobs to do: they have to mark cattle so that they can be identified; hey have to move cattle from place to place; they have to check that they are healthy.

They also have to examine miles and miles of fences.There is no shortage of people who want to be cowboys.The job has a very special reputation(名聲);it is different from other jobs,but it can Cowboys'job can also be very dangerous,so they need to carry guns.They may come across dangerous wild animals,such as wolves.There are bears too,but they do not usually attack humans._45

A.Cowboys are working men be hard work._44

B.Besides,it is not well paid C.It is not possible to use a car,not even motorcycleD.Yet,the difference may not be as big as people think E.Nevertheless,it is useful to have a gun,just in case






V.語法填空(10小題,共 20 分)。


Cara was nervous before the race.For several weeks,she had been training every day to prepare for it._46(final)the race day came_47 she arrived,her coach was already on the track.Cara started her warm-up exercise under the guidance of the coach.This was helpful to keep

48_(she)from getting hurt.

Cara's friends got there 49(early)than her.They let her know that they were there

50(cheer)for her.They all wished her good luck.It was time for the race.All the runners51

(call)to line up on the tracks.52(hear)the signal gun,Cara jump-started from the ground.

She began to run as hard as she could.

Running past the stands,she heard the voices of her friends cheering her name.Cara kept her energy and continued to keep a good speed.When she rounded the track53the last time,she and another runner were neck and neck for54finish line.As the end approached,Cara put all her effort into those last few55(foot).She won the race narrowly.Cara was so happy.













56.? ? ?(我昨天看的電影)is very interesting.

57.You might not believe that? ? ?(本周我將步行上班)

58.What they are doing? ? ? ?(跟我沒有多大關系).

59.She is going to spend the summer holiday in Oingdao,? ? (那兒她有一些親戚)

60.Li Ming is? ? (和我一樣高)

VII.應用寫作(1 小題,共 10 分)。

61.【寫作內容】你是李華。下周日是你的生日,請用英語給你的外教 Robert 寫一封郵件,邀請他來參加你的生日聚會。













8.? 答案:C.解釋:這首歌是專門為她生日寫的。


10.? 答案:A.解釋:這份商業(yè)計劃書看起來很專業(yè)。







16,答案:D.解釋:當老鼠出去為冬天收集食物時,野牛下來吃草,從后半句for he knew that buffalo would eat all thel long grass,野牛會把所有的長草吃掉,可知小老鼠不喜歡這個。





24.? 答案:C.解釋:根據(jù)后文,野牛重重踩在老鼠身上,令他驚訝的是,他到處也找不到老鼠.To his surprise令他驚訝的是







IV 閱讀(15 小題,共 45 分)

31,答案:D.解釋:事實細節(jié)題,由第一自然段第四句可知,It causes climate change and destroys the natural living environments of animals and plants.它會導致氣候變化,破壞動植物的自然生存環(huán)境。同意轉換,故選D,非法砍伐森林樹木會導致動物家園的毀壞。

32.答案:A.解釋:推理判斷題,由第二自然段the rainforest is a noisy place,but it's also a noisy thing to cut a tree down.雨林是一個嘈雜的地方,但砍伐一棵樹也是一件嘈雜的事情。后面It struck me that there had to be a way to hear this.我突然想到,一定有一種方法能聽到這些??梢酝茢喑隹撤淠灸馨l(fā)出噪聲,懷特利用這個特點,創(chuàng)作了Guardians,故選 A.

33,答案:C.解釋:事實細節(jié)題。由第三自然段When a Guardian catches a sound of cutting trees,it sends an alarm to fores guards,indicating where the sound is coming from.The guards then set off to stop the illegal activity."If you respond in time,there's a chance that you can stop much of the tree cutting.當守護者捕捉到砍伐樹木的聲音時,它會向前守衛(wèi)發(fā)送警報,指出聲音的來源。警衛(wèi)們隨后出發(fā)去制止非法活動?!叭绻慵皶r做出反應,你就有可能阻止大部分樹木砍伐。因此,Guardians能夠幫助森林守衛(wèi)員及時抓住伐木的人。

34,答案:A.解釋:推理判斷題。由第三自然段,When a Guardian catches a sound of cutting trees,it sends an alarm to fores guards,indicating where the sound is coming from.當守護者捕捉到砍伐樹木的聲音時,它會向前守衛(wèi)發(fā)送警報,l指出聲音的來源,因此,選A,Guardians能夠確定砍樹地點。


36,答案:C.解釋:推理判斷題。由第一自然段It was a warm fall day as I pulled open my front door,hurrying to pick upsomeone from somewhere,which is my daily existence as a mother of four kids.那是一個溫暖的秋日,我拉開前門,匆 l匆忙忙地去接一個人,作為一個有四個孩子的母親,這就是我的日常生活,可知,作者匆匆忙忙去接孩子,她是一個忙碌的媽媽。

37,答案:A.解釋:詞義轉換題,第二自然段She looked up and spotted me.她拍起頭,發(fā)現(xiàn)了我,因此與notice(注意到)意思最接近。

38,答案:C.解釋:事實細節(jié)題,由第三自然段Ive been a member of a book club for at least 14 years,and heavy boxes ofbooks have followed me on every move.我在一個讀書俱樂部的會員至少有14年了,我的每一次搬家都帶著沉重的l書箱。

39,答案:A.解釋:事實細節(jié)題.This library was a special gift for me.Last February,my family members"surprised mel"with a Little Free Library for my birthday.這座圖書館對我來說是一份特別的禮物,去年二月,我的家人在我生日的時候給了我一個“驚喜”—一個免費的小圖書館,可知,這個書柜是作者的一份禮物

40,答案:C.解釋:事實細節(jié)題,最后一個自然段最后一句1 took pictures of the library,posted them online,andl mentioned it to evervone I came across,basically hoping for more and more visitors to come and have fun in reading.我n下了圖書館的照片,發(fā)到了網(wǎng)上,并向我遇到的每一個人提起,基本上是希望有越來越多的游客來這里,享受閱讀的樂趣。因此,作者經(jīng)營這個圖書館是為了分享讀書的快樂。

41.答案:D.解釋:People may think cowboys in the modern age are completely different from what they used to be.人l們可能認為現(xiàn)代的牛仔與過去的牛仔完全不同.D選項Yet,the difference may not be as big as people think.然而,差l異可能沒有人們想象的那么大,前后都是講差異,因此銜接自然。

42.答案:C.解釋:月面一句in many parts of those areas,there are steep hills,rivers and streams,forests and rocks.在這些地區(qū)的許多地方,有陡峭的山丘,河流和小溪,森林和巖石,因此選C.不可能使用汽車,甚至不可能使用摩托車,后面一句The only ways to travel the long distance in such areas are on horseback,or on foot.在這些地區(qū)長途放行的唯一方式是騎馬或步行。前后都是講交通方式,銜接自然

43,答案:A.解釋:后面一句They have lots ofjobs to do.他們有很多工作要做??芍珻owboys are working men.牛仔是忙于工作的人。

44.答案:B.解釋:The job has a very special reputation;it is different from other jobs.but it can be hard work.這個工作有一個非常特殊的名聲;它與其他工作不同,但它可能是一項艱苦的工作。選項 B.Besides,it is not well paid.此外,工資也不高。前面講這個工作有一個特殊的名聲,后面講它的缺點,是一份艱苦的工作,工資也不高。

45,答案:E.解釋:Cowboys'job can also be very dangerous,so they need to carry guns.They may come across dangerous wild animals,such as wolves.There are bears too,but they do not usually attack humans.牛仔的工作也很危險,所以他們需要攜帶槍支。他們可能會遇到危險的野生動物,比如狼。這里也有熊,但它們通常不攻擊人類。E.Nevertheless,it is useful to have a gun,just in case.盡管如此,帶把槍還是有用的,以防萬一.



47,答案:When解釋:考查時間狀語從句。當她到了,她的教練已經(jīng)在跑道上了。"當 時候”,用when.



50,答案:to cheer.解釋:考查非謂語。不定式to do表目的。他們讓她知道他們在那兒目的就是為她打氣。

51,答案:were called.解釋:考查被動語態(tài)be done.所有跑步者都被叫去跑道排隊.


53,答案:for.解釋:固定搭配。for the last time最后一次。


55,答案:feet.解釋:考查名詞變復數(shù)??ɡ阉械木Χ挤旁诹四亲詈蟮?5英尺上。few后面加可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),foot 的復數(shù)形式feet,譯為英尺。VI.完成句子(5小題,共15分)

56,答案:The film that I watched yesterday.解釋:考查定語從句,定語從句要后置。

57,答案:I will go to work on foot this week.解釋:考查賓語從句。

58,答案:is none of my business/has nothing to do with me.解釋:none of my business 與我無關。

have nothing to do with...與…沒有關系。

59,答案:where she has some relatives.解釋:考查非限制性定語從句。連接詞where在句中充當狀語。

60,答案:as tall as me.解釋:固定搭配asas,與 一樣.



Dear Robert,How is it going?I am Lihua.I am writing to invite you to my birthday party.

The party will be held at my home from 6 p.m.to 11 p.m.next Sunday.All teachers and students in my class will be invited.Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you could accept my invitation.I am sure that you will have a good time there.



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