


Unit 1. Please call me Chuck 請叫我查克

1.? ? ? ? Introductions and greetings 介紹與問候

2.? ? ? ? Names and titles 名字與稱呼

3.? ? ? ? Countries and nationalities 國家與民族

Unit 2. How do you spend your day?你每天怎么度過?

4.? ? ? ? Occupation 職業(yè)

5.? ? ? ? Workplaces 工作場所

6.? ? ? ? Daily schedules 日程安排

7.? ? ? ? Clock time 鐘點

Unit 3. How much is it? 多少錢?

8.? ? ? ? Spending habits 消費習(xí)慣

9.? ? ? ? Shopping and prices 購物與價格

10.? ? ?Clothing and personal items 著裝與個人用品

11.? ? ?Colors and materials 色彩與材料

Unit 4. Do you like jazz? 你喜歡爵士樂嗎?

12.? ? ?Music, movies and TV programs 音樂,影視

13.? ? ?Entertainers 娛樂圈人士

14.? ? ?Invitations and excuses 邀請與借口

15.? ? ?Dates and times 日期和時間

Unit 5. Tell me about your family 談?wù)勀愕募彝?/p>

16.? ? ?Families and family life 家庭和家庭生活

Unit 6. How often do you exercise? 你多久鍛煉一次?

17.? ? ?Sports and exercise 運動與鍛煉

18.? ? ?Routines 日?;顒?/p>

Unit 7. We had a great time! 我們玩得很開心!

19.? ? ?Free-tem and weekend activities 業(yè)余時間與周末活動

20.? ? ?Vacations 假期

Unit 8. How do you like the neighborhood?你喜歡你們小區(qū)嗎?

21.? ? ?Stores and places in a city 商店與市內(nèi)公共場所

22.? ? ?Neighborhoods 小區(qū)

23.? ? ?Houses and apartments 別墅與公寓

Unit 9. What does he look like? 他長得怎么樣?

24.? ? ?Appearance and dress 相貌與著裝

25.? ? ?Clothing and clothing styles 服裝與著裝風(fēng)格

26.? ? ?People 人

Unit 10. Have you ever ridden a camel? 你騎過駱駝嗎?

27.? ? ?Past experience 過去的經(jīng)驗

28.? ? ?Unusual events 特別經(jīng)歷

Unit 11. It’s a very exciting city! 這是令人興奮的城市!

29.? ? ?Cities 城市

30.? ? ?Hometowns 家鄉(xiāng)

31.? ? ?Countries 國家

Unit 12. It really works!? 效果很好!

32.? ? ?Health problems 健康問題

33.? ? ?Medications and remedies 治療與藥物

Unit 13. May I take your order, please? 請問要點些什么?

34.? ? ?Food and restaurants 食物與餐館

Unit 14. The biggest and the best 最大與最好。

35.? ? ?World geography 世界地理

36.? ? ?Countries 國家

37.? ? ?The environmen t環(huán)境

Unit 15. I’m going to see a musical 我要去音樂會

38.? ? ?Invitations 邀請

39.? ? ?Leisure-time activities 業(yè)余活動

40.? ? ?Telephone messages 電話短信

Unit 16. A change for the better 越變越好

41.? ? ?Life changes 生活中的變化

42.? ? ?Plans and hopes for the future 未來的計劃與希望


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